I would like to explain a little more about the pain and discomfort I've been experiencing since my foot started waking up. As I said in my past posting (4/30/13) . . . . My foot feels like lightning bolts are hitting it, someone is stabbing it, I'm getting poked with a thousand needles, it's get strangled, etc. I am also struggling more now because starting a few days ago when I raise my foot at all it hurts. I can't sleep in my bed now because it hurts to lay down. If hot or cold water touches my foot I am in excruciating pain! If someone brushes their hand across it, it hurts. Sitting, standing, walking, etc. EVERYTHING hurts right now! Overall, the pain just keeps getting worse and I am getting barely any sleep. I even tried a Sleep-Aid (Melatonin), and it doesn't work at all. Dr. JS said that a sleep-aid won't work because of the pain I am in, but I thought it would be worth a try.
I had physical therapy with Pam at about 11:00am. In the middle of PT, she started to do her usual soft tissue massage to my lower leg and foot to help wake up the nerve. She noticed the my swelling was more than normal and then felt a lump on the lower right side of the knee. She went from her typical chatty self to completely quiet and seemed to be really concentrated on the lump. She ended my session a little early and I noticed that we didn't get through all of our exercises. About ten minutes after she left I received a call from Dr. JS's nurse stating that she wanted me to go to the ER as soon as possible just in case I had a Blood Clot. I told her that I really didn't want to go to the ER and asked if there was another option. She put me on hold, talked with Dr. JS and decided that I could just go into the clinic to get an Ultrasound. But, she wanted me to go right away. So, I called my husband and he said that his boss was out of the office in meeting, but that he would call her and leave right away. I told him to hold off and that I would try to call my Mom to see if she was available. She was in the same meeting as Mike's boss as they work for the same company, but different locations. While I was talking with my Mom, it occurred to Mike that she was in the meeting and he was trying to call me. But, my Mom said she'd leave the meeting and take me! Thank goodness! She got here in about 30 minutes and we were on our way. Dr. JS's nurse asked me to call when I was on my way, so I called and left a message. When we arrive at Froedtert, about 2:00pm, they said there was a 2 hour wait. We waited and I got to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate, yum! They came to get me just before 4:00pm for my Ultrasound. She just went up and down both of my legs checking my veins. When I was just about finished Dr. JS came in to see me. He asked how I was hanging in there, as he knows from my emails back and forth with his nurse that I am having horrible nerve pain in my foot. We got to talking and he told me that my nerve damage would already be corrected if it was to my Peroneal Nerve to the right of my lower knee. So, he stated that it was a complication due to surgery. He believes that when he did the reconstruction he had to make my leg about 2mm longer, therefore everything in my leg had to adjust to the new positioning. He said that normally your nerves can handle a 4cm change, which is obviously way more that what change I had done. He thinks that my nerve was just stretched during surgery. He told me that my nerve will heal and that it'll just be a matter of time. I am really hoping for sooner than later! He checked out my incision and was really happy with the way it looked. When they were done he was happy to say that I wouldn't have to stay at the hospital - no blood clots!!!
Last night was probably the worst night ever for sleep! I can't get comfortable anywhere now! It's horrible. I just want this pain to go away so I can sleep and so my husband can sleep. He said that he can't sleep because he's worried for me and says I am just not the same person when I have extreme pain moments.
Today during physical therapy I could barely do any of my exercises because everything hurt. I just had to push through it all. She couldn't believe how much pain I was in! She asked me to ice my right hip at least three times daily, since Dr. JS now thinks the nerve was damage during surgery. She said if there is swelling, it will make it more difficult for the nerve to heal. I am hoping this helps! I've iced it twice so far today and will probably try to ice it at least twice more this evening/night. Lets hope that I can get a little sleep tonight!!!
When my older sister had back surgery, there was a similar problem with her and her nerves simply just making her foot go numb and in some cases causing unbearable pain. Through her physical therapy it was very tough for her. Eventually, once her muscles in her foot and back became stronger the pain started to go away. Now she does not have that pain no where near as much or as severe. It may take time in some cases but I know that after surgery, it takes some serious time to get past it. Stay strong.