10, 14 @ 9:04am
My second - EMG -
to check out my nerve activity, not looking forward to being zapped for the
next couple hours. — at Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin.
3, 14 @ 10:24am
Sarah Viglione was
My foot is measuring
at 0 degrees today! Another 10-20 degrees to go!!!! — at Ati
Physical Therapy.
15, 14 @ 8:50am
Sarah Viglione was
January 3, 14 @ 1:11pm
Sarah Viglione was at Ati
Physical Therapy.
Got to take Matthew
to PT with me today! – at Ati Physical Therapy
December 18, 13 @ 10:25am
Sarah Viglione was at Ati
Physical Therapy.
Woohoooooo -5
today! That's right my foot raised to -5 degrees!!! Only about another 20
degrees to go!!!!!! — at Ati Physical Therapy.
Decemeber 11, 13 @ 10:18am
Sarah Viglione was at Ati
Physical Therapy.
My foot started to
tingle with the electrodes on today! First time ever, and we've been doing
this 3X/week since June. They said it's a great sign!!!!!! :-D — at Ati
Physical Therapy.
December 9, 13 @ 8:53am
Sarah Viglione was at Ati
Physical Therapy.
Working my Foot
Drop!!! — at Ati Physical Therapy.
December 6, 13 @ 11:08am
Another Sympathetic
Nerve Block Injection .... this cold weather can go away now so it can stop
flaring up my CRPS pain! — at MCW Pain Centers of Wisconsin Wauwatosa.
November 8, 13 @ 9:53am
Lumbar Sympathetic
Nerve Block — at MCW Pain Centers of Wisconsin Wauwatosa.
November 12, 13 @ 9:12pm
Sarah Viglione updated her
Need really good,
warm boots for the winter as the CRPS is acting up again in the cold
weather..... any recommendations, please?
October 23, 13 @ 1:09pm
Sarah Viglione was at Ati Physical
October 14, 13 @ 2:26pm
At Hanger again,
getting my AFO refitted! Bruises and blisters stink! — at Children's Hospital
of Wisconsin.
October 4, 13 @ 8:27am
Nerve Block before
the cold winter hits to keep the CRPS in remission! — at MCW Pain Centers of
Wisconsin Wauwatosa.
September 16, 13 @ 10:41am
Sarah Viglione updated her
I raised my foot to
-10 degrees today!
September, 13 @ 1:13pm
Sarah Viglione was at Ati
Physical Therapy.
I've been back to
the West Allis ATI location for one week and my foot is already raising back
to -16 degrees. I love the progress I'm seeing again! — at Ati Physical
July 17, 13 @ 12:16pm
Sarah Viglione was at Ati
Physical Therapy.
I can lift my foot
to -18°, better than the -39° when I started!!! :-) — at Ati Physical
July 15, 13 @ 10:45am
Sarah Viglione was at Ati
Physical Therapy.
Another week of
physical therapy! Hoping to start water therapy this week! :-) — at Ati
Physical Therapy.
July 12, 13 @ 7:46am
7th Nerve Block —
at MCW Pain Centers of Wisconsin Wauwatosa.
July 9, 13 @ 7:17pm
Sarah Viglione updated her
Had my 3 month post
surgery appt yesterday - hip is healing great! But, I fractured my pelvic
bone somehow.
Had an EMG today to check out my nerves - they are confident that my Foot Drop is NOT permanent. It will just be a matter of time until it gets better. :-) |
May 30, 13 @ 8:46am
3rd Lumbar
Sympathetic Nerve Block -getting relief with each injection! :-) — at MCW
Pain Centers of Wisconsin Wauwatosa.
May 24, 13 @ 10:20am
Just got my second
Lumbar Nerve Block! — at MCW Pain Centers of Wisconsin Wauwatosa.
May 23, 13 @ 9:43am
Eight week
follow-up, I can start bearing 25% weight! :-) — at Medical College of
May 21, 13 @ 11:32am
Sarah Viglione updated her
Dear God, please
make the pain go away. I'm trying really hard to understand why you are making
me suffer night after night . . .
May 1, 13 @ 1:36am
Sarah Viglione updated her
Nerve pain, nerve
pain go away . . . and don't come back any other day! A big thank you to Michael
for going to Walgreens to get something to help relieve the pain since the
prescriptions aren't working! Best husband ever!
Prayers requested, please! The nerve pain in my foot has been unbearable and keeps getting worse! It may mean it's closer to waking up, but hurry up already! |
Follow my hip journey where I've documented my experiences since 2013. You'll read about my two Periacetabular Osteotomy (PAO) surgeries to correct my severe hip dysplasia in both hips. Followed by two more hip/pelvic surgeries to correct non-unions & swap out screws.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
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