Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Left Hip - PAO Reconstructive Surgery Scheduled

On Thursday, May 26th, I had an appointment with Dr. JS to review X-Rays and hopefully get the approval for the PAO Reconstructive Surgery on my Left Hip (Right Hip was done just over 3 years ago). I wanted to get my left hip done about 2 years ago (would have been one year Post-R-PAO). However, because of all the complications from my Right Hip PAO (Foot Drop & Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), I was ordered to lose weight to reduce the risk of complications with my Left Hip PAO. I have successfully lost almost 70 pounds!!! So with great joy on my part . . . Dr. JS approved my left hip PAO surgery, and it's scheduled for July 18th.  I am very anxious and nervous to get my left hip done, but happy knowing that it'll improve my quality of life and help me move around better.

While reviewing my X-Rays, Dr. JS noticed that one of the areas on my right hip never merged together - thus, making a non-union of bones.  Also, about 6 weeks Post-R-PAO - I slipped and broke my lower Pelvic Bone.  One year post-op, it appeared healed.  However, in the past 2 years, it re-broke and is currently a non-union as well. Following my Left-Hip PAO, if the 2 non-union areas are causing me pain, I will possibly need to get a Bone Graft surgery.

Follow me while I blog my 2nd Peri-Acetabuler Osteotomy (PAO) Reconstructive Surgery

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