Today, I met with Dr. JS for my 10-day Post-Op Appointment. He removed my bandage and looked over my incision. They closed me up with glue (rather than staples, stitches, etc), so nothing needed to be removed. The incision looked good, so he re-bandaged my incision with a gauze bandage. Picture of incision below.
I am still constipated, and shared that with Dr. JS. He stated that since I am on narcotics for pain control after surgery - those are most likely causing it. I am currently down to 1 tablet of Morphine in the morning and 1 tablet of Oxycodone in the late afternoon. My pain hasn't been too bad. The only complaint is that I get a 'sparking' feeling behind my knee when I stand at times. Dr. JS told me that I could stop wearing the compression stockings at this time, to see if that helps with the sparking pain that I am experiencing. However, if my legs start to swell, then I need to re-continue the stockings.
It seems like everyday gets easier and I am able to get around better. I have been pretty energetic during the day, and have been able to complete some tasks around the house and make meals for myself and the kids. However, by 8pm, I am ready to go to sleep - as I haven't been napping during the day. Since stopping the night dose of Morphine, I've been sleeping much better. Which is the opposite of what I would have guessed, but that's ok!
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